Olivia Arthur A boat with refugees arriving from Yemen waits in the port of Obock. Those with visas or papers for interviews at embassies can stay on the boat and go on to Djibouti City, the rest must get down a (...)
t Obock and go to the refugee camp to wait until they can apply for visa to other countries. Obock, Djibouti. 2015. © Olivia Arthur | Magnum Photos
Olivia Arthur A boat with refugees arriving from Yemen waits in the port of Obock. Those with visas or papers for interviews at embassies can stay on the boat and go on to Djibouti City, the rest must get down a (...)
t Obock and go to the refugee camp to wait until they can apply for visa to other countries. Obock, Djibouti. 2015. © Olivia Arthur | Magnum Photos
Olivia Arthur A boat with refugees arriving from Yemen waits in the port of Obock. Those with visas or papers for interviews at embassies can stay on the boat and go on to Djibouti City, the rest must get down a (...)
t Obock and go to the refugee camp to wait until they can apply for visa to other countries. Obock, Djibouti. 2015. © Olivia Arthur | Magnum Photos
Olivia Arthur A young man at the IOM Migrant centre outside Obock who has travelled from Ethiopia to attempt the crossing to Yemen and go to look for work in the Gulf. Having lost their money to the smugglers th (...)
e young men are now at the migrant centre waiting to make the journey back home. Obock, Djibouti. 2015. © Olivia Arthur | Magnum Photos
Olivia Arthur Young men at the IOM Migrant centre outside Obock who have travelled from Ethiopia to attempt the crossing to Yemen and go to look for work in the Gulf. Having lost their money to the smugglers the (...)
y are now at the migrant centre waiting to make the journey back home. Obock, Djibouti. 2015. © Olivia Arthur | Magnum Photos
Olivia Arthur Young men celebrate International Migrant Day at the Migrant centre outside Obock. The men have travelled from Ethiopia to attempt the crossing to Yemen and go to look for work in the Gulf. Having (...)
lost their money to the smugglers they are now at the migrant centre waiting to make the journey back home. Obock, Djibouti. 2015. © Olivia Arthur | Magnum Photos