
David Hurn and Martin Parr: How to Build an Art Collection by Swapping Prints

Henri Cartier-Bresson French painter Henri Matisse at his home, villa "Le Rêve". Vence, France, February 1944. © Henri Cartier-Bresson | Magnum Photos
Herbert List GERMANY. At the Baltic Sea. 1933. Wrestling boys. © Herbert List | Magnum Photos
Eve Arnold American actress Marilyn Monroe portrayed in the bathroom of Chicago O'Hare airport, while waiting for a plane to Champaign, Illinois, where she was to attend the centenary celebrations of the town (...)
Josef Koudelka Invasion by Warsaw Pact troops near the Radio headquarters. Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 1968. © Josef Koudelka | Magnum Photos
Philip Jones Griffiths This woman was tagged, probably by a sympathetic corpsman, with the designation VNC (Vietnamese civilian). Vietnam, 1967 © Philip Jones Griffiths | Magnum Photos
David Hurn G.B. WALES. Brecon. A game of push ball. Two teams try to push a large inflated ball over the opposition's goal line. Taking place at the Young Farmers' meeting. Brecon. 1973 © David Hurn | Magnum Photos
David Hurn A sign in the Arizona desert. It means that very shortly the whole of the area will be developed with housing and shopping Malls. USA, 1979. © David Hurn | Magnum Photos
David Hurn G.B. ENGLAND. London. James Bond actor Sean CONNERY. 1964. © David Hurn | Magnum Photos
David Hurn The Partisan Coffee-Bar in Soho London. Meeting place of the left wing activists of the period. People in the street outside gaze through the large plate glass window at friends inside. London, UK, (...)
Paolo Pellegrin Village near the town of Mascara where civilian "patriots", in cooperation with Algeria's anti-terrorist elite forces (GIS) patrol at night, protecting the village from terrorist attacks of the GIA (...)
Carolyn Drake Swimming pool in Mary, an ancient oasis city in the Karakum desert that was expanded in Soviet times as a center for cotton and natural gas production. Turkmenistan, 2009. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Thomas Hoepker Man carrying meat in Antigua Guatemala, 1991. © Thomas Hoepker | Magnum Photos
Susan Meiselas USA. New York City. 1995. Pandora's Box, Mistress Tanya's Torture II, the Medical Room. © Susan Meiselas | Magnum Photos
David Hurn Outdoor group fitness early in the morning in the retirement Sun City, Arizona, 1980. © David Hurn | Magnum Photos
Diana Markosian Chechen dancers before a performance in Grozny, Chechnya. 2011. © Diana Markosian | Magnum Photos
Guy Le Querrec Jean Patou couture house, designer Christian Lacroix, during the last fittings before the presentation of the winter collection 1985-1986 at the Pavillon Gabriel on the Monday 22nd. Paris, France, (...)
David Hurn The Beatles in the Abbey Road Studios, where many of their most famous records were made, examining the script of the film 'A Hard Days Night'. London, Britain, 1964. © David Hurn | Magnum Photos
Jonas Bendiksen The population of Transdniester is mainly ethnic Russians, and the main religion is Russian Orthodox Christianity. Here a priest gives his blessings before a christening in the icy waters of Januar (...)
Patrick Zachmann FRANCE. Paris,1984.

The Jewish community. Mr ELBAZ plastic surgeon. © Patrick Zachmann | Magnum Photos
Bruce Gilden Haircut in La Saline, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. 1995. © Bruce Gilden | Magnum Photos
David Hurn The promenade at the elegant seaside town of Tenby, South Wales, 1974 © David Hurn | Magnum Photos
Matt Stuart GB. England. London. 2004. Charterhouse Street. © Matt Stuart | Magnum Photos