Jean Gaumy The tuna fish are caught with fishing rods made of fibre or bamboo rods over 5 to 6 meters long, and rapidly unhooked by an assistant.The water sprayed on the surface of the sea is to imitate the m (...)
ovement of small fish, which the tuna surface to catch. Bait is thrown into the spray to attract the tuna, which are then caught by hook abd line. Spain. 1996. © Jean Gaumy | Magnum Photos
Jean Gaumy Tuna fishing with the "madrague", a vast net with various chambers, used to catch tunas on their way from the Atlantic Ocean into the warmer Mediterranean. Once the shoal of fish has been sighted, (...)
fishermen pull up the nets around the so-called "chamber of death". Village of Zahara de los Atunes, near Cape Trafalgar. Andalousia. © Jean Gaumy | Magnum Photos
Jean Gaumy Mesa Grande refugee camp. When the Salvadoran civil war started (1980), a campaign of massive military operations began to drive out the civilian population living in dangerous rural areas, control (...)
led by guerrila groups. Thousands of civilian have been placed in internal refugee camps and external camps in Honduras, like the Mesa Grande. By 1984, because their situation had become intolerable, the refugees decided to organize themselves, and to help Salvadorian people return to their home villages. Honduras. 1985. © Jean Gaumy | Magnum Photos