Arts & Culture

Next: The Story of Josef Koudelka

JK (held aloft on shoulders) with coworkers from the Agrolet company, Prague, ca. 1965. Photographer unknown; from Josef Koudelka: Next (Aperture, 2023).
Josef Koudelka, Romania, 1968; from Josef Koudelka: Next (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Josef Koudelka/Magnum Photos and courtesy the Josef Koudelka Foundation
Josef Koudelka, Hand and wristwatch, Prague, August 1968; from Josef Koudelka: Next (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Josef Koudelka/Magnum Photos and courtesy the Josef Koudelka Foundation
Marthe Cartier-Bresson, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Jill Hartley, Lucina Hartley Koudelka, and JK at the home of Cartier-Bresson and Martine Franck, under the tree by which bottles of slivovitz are buri (...)
Hervé Hughes, Olympus OM-2, Josef Koudelka, 1984. JK notes his concerns about camera 5 (“Serge”) to his camera repairer, Hughes, in French; Hughes’s response is in English; from Josef Koudelka: (...)
Sarah Moon, Robert Delpire and JK, 1978; from Josef Koudelka: Next (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Sarah Moon
Josef Koudelka photographing atop a Soviet tank, Prague, August 1968. Photographer unknown; from Josef Koudelka: Next (Aperture, 2023).
Bohumil Puskailer, Josef Koudelka with two Exakta cameras, Slovakia, 1968; from Josef Koudelka: Next (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Bohumil Puskailer