Educational Safeguarding Policy

Magnum Statement on Conduct at Education Programs

Magnum is committed to fostering a respectful and dignified working environment that adheres to the highest level of professional standards. We strive to be inclusive and welcoming to everyone who works with or for Magnum and Magnum photographers, creating an environment in which each person’s rights, dignity and individual worth are respected.

The Safeguarding Policy for Education Programs is a new policy and part of Magnum’s broader commitment to safeguarding. The policy sets out the standards of behavior we expect of everyone participating in Magnum’s education programs and is a direct interpretation of our Code of Conduct..

Safeguarding Policy for Education Programs

  1. What is the Purpose of the Policy?

Magnum Photos International, Inc., Magnum Global Ventures, Inc., and their affiliated companies (collectively, “Magnum”) expect Photographers and Employees (each defined below) to treat each other and others with respect and dignity and to actively promote an environment free of discrimination, harassment and other inappropriate conduct.

This policy (“Policy”) clearly sets out what is considered acceptable behavior in the context of Magnum workshops, seminars, portfolio reviews, and individual and group mentoring sessions, as well as in other education settings organized by Magnum (collectively Magnum “Education Programs”). It is a direct interpretation of, and fully consistent with, Magnum’s Code of Conduct.

The Policy also gives guidance about the actions that members of the public, including but not limited to workshop students, collaborators, and mentees, can and are encouraged to take if they experience or witness inappropriate behavior of any kind.

The Policy deliberately goes beyond the requirements of applicable local laws, and to prohibit inappropriate harassment, discrimination and any other inappropriate conduct.  However, if applicable local law is stricter than the guidelines set forth in the Policy, Magnum will follow the stricter standard. And if there is any discrepancy between this Policy for Education Programs and the Code of Conduct or the Public Complaints Policy, the Code and Public Complaints Policy shall prevail.

Magnum’s Education Programs are designed for adults, however there may be rare occasions when Magnum provides programming for children and young people under the age of 18. Special safeguarding measures will be taken in this case including securing informed consent from a responsible adult and requiring training of photographers and employees.

The Policy will be posted on Magnum’s website,

  1. Who Must Abide by this Policy?

Anyone who participates or is involved in Education Programs run by Magnum must abide by this Policy.

This includes Magnum Photographers (including nominees, associates, members, and other Magnum Photographers) and Employees, including non-employees that provide services to Magnum pursuant to a contract. Accordingly, any references in this Policy to “Employees” should be interpreted, for the purposes of interpretation of this Policy only, to include all workers, contractors and interns. Such references, however, should not be construed to confer employment rights to contractors or interns, nor should they be construed to imply that contractors and interns in any Magnum office are “Employees”.

Additionally, this Policy applies to students, mentees, and other attendees of Education Programs (collectively “Students”) as well as assistants, outside lecturers, and all other collaborators (collectively “Collaborators”). The access to and participation in Magnum Education Program by Students and Collaborators is conditional on adhering to the standards set out in this Policy.

All Photographers and Employees must regularly review this Policy. Magnum will provide a digital version to participants in advance of every program, and seek to provide a verbal briefing as part of the event orientation.

  1. Where Does the Policy Apply?

This Policy governs behavior that occurs at all Magnum’s Education Programs, including but not limited to workshops, seminars, portfolio reviews, and individual and group mentoring sessions, as well as other education events organized by Magnum.

Magnum recognizes that Photographers also engage in activity external to Magnum. Magnum takes the view that Photographers and Employees represent the face of Magnum to the public and therefore, whilst this Policy cannot apply directly to external activity, the company expects their behavior to reflect the goals and ideals of Magnum at all times.

Where Magnum representatives take part in activities and events organized by others, they are expected to follow the policies and guidelines set out by those third parties. To the extent that the Code of Conduct differs from the third-party policies, the more restrictive standard should apply.

  1. What are the expected standards of behavior?

Photographers and Employees are expected to be proactive in upholding the expected standards of behavior and in intervening in any inappropriate situation.

Health and Safety

Magnum is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment. Ahead of each education event, Magnum will assess the hazards and risks and identify the appropriate precautions which will be communicated as part of the event briefing.

Magnum expects all event participants to co-operate fully by listening carefully to safety briefings, following instructions, using any safety equipment that has been provided, and taking part in relevant training if appropriate. Whilst Magnum will take all reasonable measures to protect the health and safety of those involved in its Education Programs, participants also have a duty to take care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions. Magnum cannot accept liability for the consequences of any failure by participants to take reasonable care to protect their own health and safety or that of others, or any failure to observe applicable safety rules, or to follow instructions where given.


Magnum expects Photographers and Employees to create a teaching environment that prioritizes the emotional wellbeing of all event participants by treating each person with dignity and respect. This includes establishing and maintaining appropriate physical, verbal, emotional and social boundaries. Students and Collaborators are also asked to adhere to these boundaries and to commit to fostering this supportive and safe environment.

Regards physical boundaries, participants in Magnum’s Education Programs must be mindful of the different perspectives and preferences of others and avoid physical contact that may reasonably be considered inappropriate, unwanted, or welcome. Anyone with questions about this can feel free to discuss them with the responsible Magnum Employee. Under no circumstances is it appropriate for Magnum Photographers or Employees to engage in a romantic or sexual relationship with a Student during Education Programs, even if this is fully consenting. This acknowledges the power dynamics that can be at play in an educational setting and seeks to protect the integrity of the teaching for all concerned.

Magnum Photographers and Employees are also advised to give due consideration before entering into a consenting adult relationship with a former Student after any Magnum event, including reflecting on the possible power dynamic in a relationship of this kind.

Magnum recognizes the value of social interaction between participants at events which can support the educational aims of the program. Informal social events can be an integral part of the teaching and are fully compatible with the standards and values set out in this policy. Photographers and Employees must however recognize their duty of care to Students at all times, including during informal social occasions, and ensure that they are always able to properly fulfill these duties. The use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited during Education Programs and Magnum expects the consumption of alcohol to be sensible and in moderation.

Magnum recognizes that professional and social relationships formed during education programs can also continue after these events. This might be in person, on social media, or in private conversations, both offline and online. Photographers and Employees must remember the possible power dynamics in these relationships and that their behavior should reflect the goals and ideals of Magnum at all times.

Photographers and Employees must also refrain from accepting gifts from, or giving gifts to, individual Students, above a value of $30. Sharing of books or printed material is allowed.

Human Rights

Consistent with the Code of Conduct, Magnum expects all participants of Education Programs to respect and uphold individual human rights through the fair and equal treatment of others. This includes communicating with others in ways that are transparent, respectful, and culturally aware.

We expect tolerance of differing viewpoints regardless of a person’s race, nationality, ethnic origin, age, religion or belief, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetics, and any other definitions protected under applicable international and national laws.

Discrimination or harassment of any kind, whether during or after Magnum events, including via private communications or social media, will not be tolerated and Magnum may take such action as it deems appropriate to tackle such behavior.

  1. How do I report inappropriate or concerning behavior?

Magnum takes breaches of this policy very seriously. Anyone who is uncomfortable about someone else’s behavior and believes it might be harassing, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate, can seek help by reporting the behavior, and is encouraged to do so.

Students who believe that they may have been subject to improper behavior, or who have witnessed or learned of such conduct, can follow the guidance set out in the Public Complaints Policy to make a formal complaint. Whilst Magnum encourages Students to report an incident as soon as possible after the event, in some cases this is not a reasonable expectation and Magnum does not impose a time limit for making reports. Magnum takes complaints very seriously and is committed to investigating them fairly and impartially and may take disciplinary action where appropriate.

Magnum also reserves the right to exclude any Student or Collaborator from an event, or to prevent them joining future events, if they fail to abide by the standards set out in this Policy. Magnum may do so at its own discretion and without providing a refund.

Where Photographers or Employees have reason to believe that there may have been a breach of this policy, they are expected to report it. And where a Magnum Photographer or Employee seeks to make a complaint against another Photographer or Employee for violations of the Code of Conduct, they can, and are encouraged to do so, using Magnum’s internal procedures.

As we strive to uphold the highest possible standards, Magnum will also collect anonymous feedback from Students after each Education Program or event.

  1. If I don’t want to make a formal report, are other options available to me?

Magnum recognizes that Students may not always feel comfortable making a formal complaint. If this is the case, a Student can seek informal advice from an Employee present at the event. Wherever possible, reasonable measures will be taken to resolve the issue informally, and the Employee will explain the process for making and handling a formal complaint.

Whilst discussions of this kind are not considered by Magnum to be formal complaints, all Magnum Employees have a responsibility to report issues that they witness or are made aware of. Following any discussion of this kind, the Employee is required to create an incident report form which will be discussed with the person raising the concern before being shared with management. All reasonable efforts will be taken to protect the identity of that person if they prefer to remain anonymous.

In the case of serious incidents, Magnum reserves the right to investigate an incident whether or not the victim has chosen to make a formal report.

Policy issue date May 2021

Date of next update May 2025

The Safeguarding Policy for Education Programs is next due for a general review on the above date. It may however be reviewed and updated earlier, in the event of a change in requirements, including changes to relevant legislation.

Magnum is committed to being a learning organization and we welcome any feedback on how this policy can be improved. You are welcome to email with suggestions.

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