
After World War II, the South African government gradually developed rules and regulations to preserve the country’s white minority – a state of being more commonly known as Apartheid.

Magnum photographer Ian Berry recorded this aspect of South African society and the resulting racial tensions, social difficulties and unnatural way that people, who could co-exist happily, were commanded to spend their lives Living Apart, hence the title of his nationally exhibited body of work and sell-out book was born.

Leica Gallery London will exhibit select images from Berry’s on-going passion, Living Apart, recorded over a period of nearly 40 years. In addition to these seminally recognised works, the gallery will be exhibiting key photographs from another long-term essay on water. Berry poignantly illustrates his personal concern regarding global water shortages, especially in developing countries.

The great single picture is emotionally satisfying, whereas getting a good journalistic story is more about being a professional

Ian Berry

Leica Gallery London
64-66 Duke Street
Mayfair, W1K 6JD

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