Street photography – the art of capturing the unexpected, the singular and the extraordinary in the public space – has been part of the DNA of Magnum Photos since its creation in 1947.
The exhibition is inspired by the book Magnum Streetwise (Thames & Hudson) and its French version Magnum et la street photography (Editions Actes Sud), published under the direction of photographer Stephen McLaren who shares the experiences of Magnum’s street photographers. This immersion in the Magnum archive allows us to understand the evolution of the genre from its recognized masters like Sergio Larraín, Elliott Erwitt and Inge Morath to contemporary photographers such as Christopher Anderson, Raymond Depardon, Olivia Arthur and Gueorgui Pinkhassov.
Magnum Streetwise features not only the work of outstanding photographers, but illustrates how common subject matter and locations have been addressed, conceptually and practically, across the agency through the ages.