Akitu Jelili is a Nigerian artist who also leads a group of goddesses who worship, "Yemoja," the revered goddess of the river and mother of all other Yoruba (ethnic group from Nigeria) gods. Gather (...)
ing at the sea, devotees offer prayers and express gratitude for her protection and guidance throughout the year. This centuries-old tradition serves as a vital connection to their heritage, allowing the Yoruba people to honor their spiritual beliefs and maintain a strong sense of cultural identity. Lagos, Nigeria. July 23, 2024. © Newsha Tavakolian / Magnum Photos
This collection of pictures of bridges in and around Oaxaca, Mexico, has been photographed as a form of dialogue between a Ukrainian photographer based in Kyiv and a Polish photographer who went to (...)
Mexico and moved around without restrictions, capturing civilian architecture that in Ukraine changed the status from neutral to strategic. Therefore, it is forbidden to photograph due to the ongoing Russian invasion. Oaxaca. 2024. © Rafał Milach / Magnum Photos