
Philip Jones Griffith’s Dark Odyssey

Woman wearing a bra sold to her by missionaries to cover up her nakedness. Missionaries are obsessed with breasts. These storm troopers of cultural imperialism impose brassieres on reluctant women (...)
Philip Jones Griffiths | Philip Jones Griffith's Dark Odyssey The battle for Saigon. Refugees under fire. Confused urban warfare was such that Americans were shooting their staunchest supporters. Vietnam. 1968. © Philip Jones Griffiths | Magnum Photos
In an asinine attempt to resolve the war in Vietnam, Nixon and Kissinger widened the conflict by invading Cambodia. Ostensibly this was to eliminate the Vietcong's headquarters. The scheme failed, (...)
The confidence of youth is enhanced by wearing fashionable clothes. This allows them to deride those outside the dictates of advertisers. France. 1965.
Philip Jones Griffiths | Philip Jones Griffith's Dark Odyssey This young boy epitomizes our Welsh ambivalent love for both rugby and music. This place, Pant-y-Wean, was once, in the 1930s, voted the most Beautiful Village in South Wales, but it has long since (...)
A beautiful daughter could be a bonanza for a poor family. She could earn more in one night than her father in a month. The average prostitute earned more than President Thieu's official salary. Th (...)
Philip Jones Griffiths | Philip Jones Griffith's Dark Odyssey The incongruities of daily life in the urban war zone. For years, the people of Northern Ireland lived in a strange and strained symbiosis with the occupying British army. Northern Ireland. 1973. © Philip Jones Griffiths | Magnum Photos
Demented boy. The sons of the Dinka people of Southern Sudan look after the family cattle often miles away from their villages. When government soldiers massacre the inhabitants the boys are often (...)
Philip Jones Griffiths | Philip Jones Griffith's Dark Odyssey This woman was tagged, probably by a sympathetic corpsman, with the designation VNC (Vietnamese civilian). This was unusual. Wounded civilians were normally tagged VCS (Vietcong suspect) and all (...)
Philip Jones Griffiths | Philip Jones Griffith's Dark Odyssey Since ancient times, the shield has presented a challenge to military designs --- how to see the enemy without sacrificing protection. The latest development is one made of Plexiglas. Unfortunately (...)
Social change in the 1960s had the positive effect of taking some pressure off men to behave always in a dominant manner. Here the girl was behaving like a man. England, UK. 1961.
Philip Jones Griffiths The battle for Saigon. U.S. policy in Vietnam was based on the premise that peasants driven into the towns and cities by the carpet-bombing of the countryside would be safe. Furthermore, removed f (...)
This brother and sister reacted to being photographed in a way that reveals the inherently different levels of self-esteem observable in children. She was alive with the solipsism of youth, while h (...)
Philip Jones Griffiths PAPUA NEW GUINEA.. A warrior is given the opportunity to see farther than ever before. His world is about to change forever. 1973 © Philip Jones Griffiths | Magnum Photos
A fighter with the West Somalia Liberation Front. To compensate for food shortages, the soldiers consumed large quantities of 'khat', a leaf containing an amphetamine-like substance. This gave rise (...)
State prison. The American justice system directs attention away from corporate crime. A deluge of trivia about murder and mayhem is provided, sending the message that everyone is wallowing in orig (...)
A rare moment when the constituent symbols of colonialism come together in a frame. On a French sugar plantation the owner, with his dog, guide visiting priests around the garden of his mansion. Ma (...)
Philip Jones Griffiths VIETNAM. This woman, badly disfigured during a napalm strike, adopted this girl as a baby. The child was orphaned when her family died in an American attack. 1981 © Philip Jones Griffiths | Magnum Photos
Philip Jones Griffiths These children were playing on a piece of spare ground where a factory once stood. They belong to the ever-increasing population of a wasteland where, for political reasons, education and opportuni (...)