
Fall of the Berlin Wall

Jean Gaumy The border control post of Checkpoint Charlie. West Berlin. West Germany. 1977. © Jean Gaumy | Magnum Photos
Jean Gaumy The Wall. In the background : Alexanderplatz and the TV tower (Fernsehturm). West Berlin. West Germany. 1977. © Jean Gaumy | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn East German workman bricking up window that is to become part of the wall dividing the city. West Berlin, Germany. Summer of 1961. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn Westerners watching across the wall while it is still low enough to see over. Berlin, Germany, 1961. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn Westerners waving across the wall while it is still low enough to see over. Berlin, Germany, 1961. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn GERMANY, BERLIN, 1961. Westerners watching across the wall while it is still low enough to see over. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn East German soldiers at barbed wire dividing the city in the first days of the building of the wall. They are preparing ground to build a more substantial barrier. Berlin, Germany, 1961. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn Western lady talks to Eastern friend Who has the advantage of a still unblocked window in the beginning days of the erection of the wall. Two days later this window was bricked up. West Berlin. Ger (...)
Burt Glinn GERMANY,WEST BERLIN,1961. West Berliners on Bernuer Strasse corner waching the wall go up. It is just in the beginning stages so man on the ladder can p[eer over into East Berlin. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn GERMANY, BERLIN, 1961. Westerners watching across the wall while it is still low enough to see over. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn West German observers on building top looking into East Berlin. Berlin, Germany, 1961. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn Westerners watching through a chink in the wall during its first days. Berlin, Germany, 1961. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
René Burri West Berliners making signs to friends and relatives on the other side of the Berlin wall. © René Burri | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn R.F.A. Berlin Ouest. Bernaurstrasse.

West German Berliners tryhing to make visual contacts with friends and relatives in East Berlin, over the Wall at the Bernaurstrasse. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn GERMAN, BERLIN. 1961. East German soldiers start work on the wall behind barbed wire denoting the end of the American zone. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
René Burri Checkpoint Charlie, poste-frontière avec la R.D.A.

An East

German borderguard being watched by an American soldier at the Allied borderzone in West Berlin called CHECKPOINT CHARLIE 1961 © René Burri | Magnum Photos
René Burri The Brandenburger Gate seen from the west through barbed wire guarding the Russian war memorial, situated in the western sector of Berlin. © René Burri | Magnum Photos
René Burri WEST GERMANY. West Berlin. 1961. Along the Berlin Wall. © René Burri | Magnum Photos
René Burri WEST GERMANY. West Berlin. 1961. © René Burri | Magnum Photos
Jean Gaumy WEST GERMANY. March 1977. Berlin. Buildings on the East side, behind the wall (which was built of 3,5meters high concrete blocs, and topped with a pipe and hooks to prevent handgrips). © Jean Gaumy | Magnum Photos
Thomas Hoepker A man takes souvenir photos of his sons at the Berlin Wall near Bernauer Strasse. West Berlin. Germany. 1963. © Thomas Hoepker | Magnum Photos
Henri Cartier-Bresson WEST GERMANY. 1962. West Berlin. The Berlin wall. © Henri Cartier-Bresson | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed At Checkpoint Charlie, American soldiers watch as Communist East Germany begins to put up the wall. West Berlin. West Germany. 1961. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Henri Cartier-Bresson The Berlin wall. West Berlin. West Germany. 1962. © Henri Cartier-Bresson | Magnum Photos
Raymond Depardon GERMANY. West Berlin. Children playing at "building the Wall". 1962 © Raymond Depardon | Magnum Photos
Ian Berry West Germany. Berlin. 1963. Christmas time. Two brothers meet after being separated by the wall. © Ian Berry | Magnum Photos
Thomas Hoepker GERMANY. Berlin. Children playing at the Berlin Wall in Berlin-Wedding. 1963. © Thomas Hoepker | Magnum Photos
Raymond Depardon EUROPE. Germany. 1965.

Queen Elisabeth II and Prince Philip. © Raymond Depardon | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed WEST GERMANY. West Berlin. 1961. Children play on the west side of the Berlin Wall. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed West Germans looking over the Berlin Wall to East Berlin. West Berlin. West Germany. 1965. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Jean Gaumy WEST GERMANY. West Berlin. 1977. The Berlin Wall and in the background the TV tower on Alexanderplatz. © Jean Gaumy | Magnum Photos
Raymond Depardon GERMANY. West Berlin. US Attorney General Robert Francis KENNEDY and Willy BRANDT. 1962. © Raymond Depardon | Magnum Photos
Peter Marlow WEST GERMANY. The Berlin Wall was a physical barrier separating West Berlin from the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (East Germany), including East Berlin. The longer inner German border demarcate (...)
Jean Gaumy A memorial to victims who tried to pass the frontier of the Berlin Wall. © Jean Gaumy | Magnum Photos
Peter Marlow WEST GERMANY. The Berlin Wall was a physical barrier separating West Berlin from the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (East Germany), including East Berlin. The longer inner German border demarcate (...)
Peter Marlow The Berlin Wall was a physical barrier separating West Berlin from the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (East Germany), including East Berlin. The longer inner German border demarcated the border b (...)
Erich Hartmann Graffiti on the Berlin Wall. Berlin. West Germany. 1981. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Peter Marlow The Berlin Wall was a physical barrier separating West Berlin from the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (East Germany), including East Berlin. The longer inner German border demarcated the border b (...)
Josef Koudelka The Berlin Wall. West Berlin. Germany. 1988. © Josef Koudelka | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress West Berliners demonstrate in front of wall. Berlin. West Germany. 1989. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress Demonstration in streets of East Berlin. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Raymond Depardon GERMANY. The fall of the Berlin Wall. November 1989.

November 11th. People climbing on and over the wall between East and West Berlin. © Raymond Depardon | Magnum Photos
Mark Power GERMANY. Berlin. Crowds during the imediate aftermath of the opening of the Berlin wall at midnight on the 9th November 1989. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power GERMANY. East Berlin. November 12th 1989. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. East German soldiers guarding the area in front of the Brandenburg Gate, while West Germans climb the Wall. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. The press gather to watch East Germans cross the border into the West. November 10th 1989. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power GERMANY. West Berlin. November 10th 1989. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. West Germans climb the Wall. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power East Germans queue to cross the border to the West. East Berlin. Germany. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. November 12th 1989. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Raymond Depardon GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Between the Brandenburg Gate and Potsdamer Platz. November 11th, 1989. A young man sits on the wall between East and West Berlin. © Raymond Depardon | Magnum Photos
Raymond Depardon A crack in the Berlin Wall becomes a symbol of new freedom between East and West. Germany. November 11, 1989. © Raymond Depardon | Magnum Photos
Raymond Depardon Crowds gather in the streets to welcome visitors from the East. © Raymond Depardon | Magnum Photos
Raymond Depardon A crack in the Berlin Wall becomes a symbol of new freedom between East and West. © Raymond Depardon | Magnum Photos
Guy Le Querrec Dimanche 31 décembre 1989. La Saint Sylvestre. Vers 21 h.

R.D.A. Berlin Est. Brandenburger Tor (La Porte de Brandebourg). © Guy Le Querrec | Magnum Photos
Mark Power GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. West Berliners claim their piece of the Wall. November 11th 1989. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Raymond Depardon GERMANY. Berlin. Throughout East Germany, tens of thousands of East Germans resumed marches, demanding free speech, free elections, and the abolition of the Communist Party's leading role in socie (...)
Raymond Depardon Throughout East Germany, tens of thousands of East Germans resumed marches, demanding free speech, free elections, and the abolition of the Communist Party's leading role in society. Many of the pr (...)
David Alan Harvey GERMANY. Berlin. 1989. The Berlin Wall. © David Alan Harvey | Magnum Photos
David Alan Harvey GERMANY. Berlin. 1989. The Berlin Wall. © David Alan Harvey | Magnum Photos
René Burri GERMANY. December 23rd, 1989. The Brandenburg gate. © René Burri | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress GERMANY. Berlin. Fall of Berlin Wall.. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Guy Le Querrec GERMANY. Berlin. On the wall, people celebrating New Year's Eve. Near the Brandenburg Gate, after the fall of the wall in November of 1989. Sunday 31th December, 1989 (around midnight). © Guy Le Querrec | Magnum Photos
Bruno Barbey GERMANY. West Berlin. Souvenir hunters chip away pieces of the Berlin Wall. 1989. © Bruno Barbey | Magnum Photos
Bruno Barbey GERMANY. West Berlin. A champagne bottle wedged between pieces of the Berlin Wall. 1989. © Bruno Barbey | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed Berlin.

Taking down the Berlin wall. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Guy Le Querrec EAST BERLIN. Brandenburg Gate. December 31st, 1989. © Guy Le Querrec | Magnum Photos