Magnum Digest

The Magnum Digest: May 8, 2020

Saturday nights in quarantine: Magnum photographers for the New York Times, Stuart Franklin photographs the wards of a London hospital under strain, and Martin Parr features in Architectural Review

Alec Soth DJ Joe Masek hosts a parking lot dance party for staff and residents of the Wayside Women's Treatment Center in St. Louis Park, Minnesota.  Left to Right: Jake Lampert, Teri Rooney, Ruth Richardso (...)

Magnum photographers depict a transformed Saturday night for The New York Times

A recent feature in The New York Times explored the changing character of the weekend during the pandemic from the perspective of photographers around the world. The piece examined varying experiences of Saturday night, understood by many as “a time of mythic potential and mundane reality”.

13 Magnum photographers had their images featured, including Thomas Dworzak, who reported on the clubbing scene as it persists over video conferencing, Moises Saman, who captured the home of a migrant worker in Jordan, Alec Soth who attended a parking lot dance party in his hometome of Minnesota, and Sohrab Hura, who chronicles solitude at his home in New Delhi. Alongside the online article, seven of the photographers had images included in print in the newspaper’s Sunday Arts and Leisure suplement, the cover of which featured an image made by Cristina de Middel in Itacaré, Brazil. See the online feature here.

De Middel this week begins her curation of Magnum’s weekly series, Diary of a Pandemic, which examines the work and life of Magnum photographers during social distancing. See the piece here.

Cristina de Middel © Cristina de Middel | Magnum Photos

Stuart Franklin reports from a London hospital for the Sunday Times Magazine’s cover story

The most recent issue of The Sunday Times Magazine focuses on a story by Stuart Franklin who spent three weeks on the COVID-19 wards of London’s West Middlesex University Hospital. The photographer, whose wife works at the hospital as an A&E doctor, recorded scenes of desperation in the wards and the experiences of patients he came across. He reports, “the ICU has quadrupled in surface area to cope with the pandemic and it now has the look of a 1970s science fiction film set.” Read the story online here.

Stuart Franklin © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos

Martin Parr on the cover of, and interviewed for, Architectural Review

The May 2020 issue of The Architectural Review features a cover by Martin Parr. The issue, exploring the theme of tourism, unpacks various aspects of the travel industry and examines the impacts of current restrictions . Parr’s image of a beach, taken from his series made in New Brighton, Wales, features on the front, whilst an interview with him can be found inside the magazine. Available online here

Martin Parr © Martin Parr | Magnum Photos

Jim Goldberg’s Darrell and Patricia featured in Foam Magazine

Issue #56 of Foam Magazine, ‘Elsewhere – The Other Issue’, has included images from Jim Goldberg’s series, Darrell and Patricia: A Love Story, which explores the experiences of a transgender couple living in Portland. This edition of the magazine features photographs touching on “power balances, […]  forms of resistance, resilience, and rejection, focus on under-represented communities,” and more. Read more about the issue and see a sneak peak here. Read about Darrell and Patricia, on Magnum here.

Jim Goldberg Transgender couple, Patricia and Darrell Fleury, at their apartment in Rainbow Vista Retirement Home. Portland, Oregon. USA. 2015. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos

Holocaust survivors photographed by Stuart Franklin, Alec Soth in Amateur Photographer

The May 9 issue of Amateur Photographer features a piece exploring the experiences of holocaust survivors, portrayed by more than 250 photographers and compiled by The Lonka Project. The feature includes portraits by Stuart Franklin of 90-year-old Eva Schloss —step-sister of Anne Frank— and by Alec Soth, of the violinist Adam Han-Górski. Other Magnum photographers to have contributed to the wider project include Patrick Zachmann and Gilles Peress. Find the article in the magazine’s print edition.


Stuart Franklin Holocaust Auschwitz survivor Eva Schloss in here apartment where she celebrates her 90th birthday. Eva Schloss is Anne Frank's step-sister. She is the step-daughter of Otto Frank, father of the di (...)
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