Carolyn Drake Rosio Cancel, whom Carolyn and her translator met at her waitressing job in a restaurant selling organic food, on the day she was diagnosed with Zika. The next day they visited her at her apartment
(...) . She took a sick day from work and went back the next day. She had another virus, Chikungunya, last year and said it was way worse. “I know I have Zika, I know it's real. The government is using a real crisis to pass their bills to their own benefits. What's not right is there are alternate ways they could be dealing with the situation."... "We have no control over our future. It's presented as one choice. They are making decisions for us that we don’t want and they’re supposedly doing it for our own good but you keep going, you make things, you make yourself, you get the word out. " San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos