

A radical close-up treatment of the spectacle of American politics by Christopher Anderson for 'Le Monde'

Christopher Anderson

Christopher Anderson | Stump Mitt Romney speaks at the Republican National Convention. Tampa, FL, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Josh Romney at the Republican National Convention. Tampa, FL. USA, 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump New York City, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump New York City, USA. 2011. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Tampa, Florida, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Delegate at the Republican National Convention. Tampa, Florida, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Delegate at the Republican National Convention. Tampa, Florida, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Condoleeza Rice at the Republican National Convention. Tampa, Florida, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Michelle Obama. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Sandra Fluke, the woman Rush Limbaugh called a slut, speaks at the Democratic National Convention. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Former President Bill Clinton. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Maxine Waters. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Jesse Jackson at the Democratic National Convention. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Al Gore at home. Nashville, Tennessee, USA. 2013. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Hillary Clinton at the Liberty Awards, held at the Nation Constitution Center. Philadelphia, USA. 2013. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Former president Bill Clinton at the DNC. Charlotte, NC, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump Mitt Romney speaks at the Republican National Convention. Tampa, Florida, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | Stump President Barack Obama speaks at the Democratic National Convention. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. 2012. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos

Christopher Anderson is one of today’s most influential political photographers. He was assigned by Le Monde to go behind the scenes and capture the inner workings of the American political system.

In an era marked by unprecedented political partisanship, most notably during recent presidential campaigns, Christopher Anderson zeroes in on the characters in play.

Anderson is one of today’s most influential political photographers. With Stump, he captured what he calls set ‘X-ray icons’, providing a rare insight into the complexities of the American political theater.

TEARSHEETS. M Le Magazine du Monde. 31 Mai 2014
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