
Tiananmen Square, 1989

Stuart Franklin Tien An Men Square. 'The Tank Man' stopping the column of T59 tanks. 4th June 1989. Beijing. China © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin 'The Tank Man' stopping the column of T59 tanks. Tiananmen Square. Beijing. China. 4th June 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin CHINA. Beijing. Tiananmen Square protests. Statue to People's Heroes. 29th May 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin Protesters drive around the streets in defiance of the military convoys. Tiananmen Square. Beijing. China. 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin China. Tianamen Square. Defeated looking soldiers, in small groups. 2nd June 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin The Goddess of Democracy. Tiananmen Square protests. Beijing. China. 28th May 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin CHINA. Beijing. Tiananmen Square protests. The government crackdown starts. 2nd June 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin CHINA. Beijing. Tiananmen Square protests. The government crackdown outside HQ of the Communist party. 2nd June 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin CHINA. Tiananmen Square. Beijing. Posters put up on lamposts showing massacre like newspapers printed at university presses. 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin The government crackdown. Tiananmen Square protests. Beijing. China. 2nd June 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin CHINA. Beijing. Tiananmen Square. A column of T59 tanks makes its way from the Tiananmen Square. 4th June 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin CHINA. Beijing. Tiananmen Square. Casualty beside abandoned army vehicle. During crackdown. 3rd June 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin CHINA. Beijing. Tiananmen Square. A column of T59 tanks makes its way from the Tiananmen Square. 4th June 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin CHINA. Beijing. Tiananmen Square. The Beijing hospital, dealing with the many casualties. 4th June 1989 © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos
Stuart Franklin Revolution. Soldiers open fire at students on Chang'an Avenue. Tianamen Square. Beijing. China. 4th June 1989. © Stuart Franklin | Magnum Photos