Theory & Practice

The Fifth Corner: Expanding the Frame

Cutting of Raymond Depardon's 'Correspondence New-yorkaise', published in the French newspaper Libération, in 1981.
Philip Jones Griffiths South Vietnam. MACV headquaters, Tan Son Nhut Airport. These are MACV (MIlitary Assistance Command, Vietnam) personnel who were lectured monthly on the progress of pacification. 1970 © Philip Jones Griffiths | Magnum Photos
Philip Jones Griffiths This amphibious assault was to establish a beachhead for a barbecue. Vast quantities of meat and beer were consumed while local Vietnamese looked on. Such activities were prompted to engender moral (...)
Gilles Peress Market. Teheran. Iran. 1979. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Philip Jones Griffiths South Vietnam. Vietnam. 1970. © Philip Jones Griffiths | Magnum Photos
Philip Jones Griffiths This guerrilla fighter had just thrown a grenade, killing one member of the platoon and wounded two others. In the resulting fracas, he too was killed. The incident occurred in what had once been (...)
Philip Jones Griffiths Vietnam. The battle for Saigon. Pity the poor fighting man in Vietnam. The problem was always too much water or too little. In the early days of the war, water was shipped from California, the indi (...)
Gilles Peress Demonstration in a stadium. Tabriz. Iran. 1979. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress Savak agents on trial at Evin prison. Teheran. Iran. 1979. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress Demonstration in a stadium. Tabriz. Iran. 1979. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress Tabriz. Iran. 1979. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Henri Cartier-Bresson © Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson © Henri Cartier-Bresson © Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson | Magnum Photos
Henri Cartier-Bresson © Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson "People had waited all night in Trafalgar Square in order not to miss any part of the coronation ceremony of George VI. Some slept on benches and others on newspapers. The next morning, one who was (...)
Henri Cartier-Bresson © Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson Saint Lazare station. Place de l'Europe. Paris. France. 1932. © Henri Cartier-Bresson © Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson | Magnum Photos