David Alan Harvey BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro. July 6, 2014. Ruy Brisolla gets a kiss from Stephanie Schultz-Wenk at the afternoon party of fashion designer Lenny Niemeyer at her home in Lagoa. Every Sunday Lenny enterta (...)
ins guests from the world of business and the arts. © David Alan Harvey | Magnum Photos
Susan Meiselas Loruama and Rebeca, right, strike a pose as Maria Luiza and Leticia stand in a doorway. Part of the "Lente dos Sonhos" (Lens of Dreams) project created to bring girls from local communities into t (...)
he world of fashion. Cidade de Deus, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. July 10, 2014.Cidade de Deus, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. July 10, 2014. © Susan Meiselas | Magnum Photos
Alex Majoli BRAZIL. Sao Paulo. July 11, 2014. Jalison Nougueira, 22, who earns money by performing everyday on Rua dos Estados Unido at the corner of Aenida 9th Julho. He's been training as a freestyle footbal (...)
ler on a tight-rope since he was 11 years old and now he wants to go back to school, hoping that one day he will able to study as a civil engineer. © Alex Majoli | Magnum Photos